Monday 3 May 2010

The Big Change News Is IN!!

Hi All,

It's Monday again and I am tired AGAIN! No it isn't from partying too hard on the weekend its from having a son who wakes and stirs loudly in the night . . . .I don't have to actually get up but he cries for awhile then goes back to sleep and this can happen a few times in the night. I am off to the this week hopefully for a check up for Jasper to see if there is anything going on in his body that needs some work or herbs :-))
I have been taking Jasper to the Healing point since he was about 5 weeks old I think they are amazing ladies in there I would recomend it, they have accupuncturist, osteopaths and lots of other things.

Saturday morning was a frustraiting morning which took me to the end of my rope and saw me having a very strong gin and tonic Saturday night. I had one of those mornings on the road where I just wished I could have flown . . . .between forgetting my navman, getting dodgy directions . . .then roadworks I was a mess. I missed my little Bro's skydive and missed Jaspers first gymbaroo class which I was really looking forward too GGGGGGRRRRRRRRR

Sunday was a lot more pleasant, I had a car cruise fundraiser to go to for Pride WA. Thankfully I had roped Tenille into navigating for me or else Jasper and I would have been opening that emergency envelope to find out where we were supposed to be.

THE NEWS: Jasper and I will be moving to Calgary Canada in November for a year. I have decided that I need a bit of a change for awhile, I am stuck in a bit of a rut and drifting . . . .now is the time to do this before Jasper starts school, as I am hoping to get him in to a Montessori school he will be starting when he turns 3 that means I need to do this now.
It is something I have thought a lot about and done a lot of research into, things like housing prices, cost of living, daycare options, wage rates, jobs available etc . .

I will be writing much more about this as the mths, weeks and days go by in the lead up to D day!!

We will be leaving a few days after Kurt and Ash's wedding :-))

Love to All
Cara xo

PS. Pic is Jasper in the car while we were doing the car rally


lill said...

big news!!! very exciting!

Unknown said...

i will be coming to visit ! and great pic xxxx