Friday, 30 March 2012

End of March catch up

Hi All,

Suprise and Shock I am going to write a post!! :-P

It's been a long week, both with work and with Jasper.
He's having a grumpy week which hey he's entitled to as we all are, but do you notice that our children are always in a bad mood when we least want them to be lol
I always try to make sure that we end the night in a "happy place" and say goodby at daycare in a "happy place" the age old thing don't fall asleep on an argument!

Tonight I am actually leaving Jasper at home with a friend so that I can go out for dinner with another adult who is also leaving her children at home (with their Dad).
This will be the first time since New Years Eve that I am going out without Jasper . . . .that's one resolution I am not keeping too as I was supposed to be aiming for one adult outing a mth oooppps.

Jasper is enjoying Daycare as always though I have noticed this week that they haven't been moving him up to the preschool room, I am not sure wether that's because they are having a terrible time with staff illness or wether there is another reason.
He isn't 3 until June which is when he is supposed to move up to the "big" room but he has already started going up some days, or even half days etc as most of his friends are older and are up there. Also they have moved a large amount of the younger children into his room which means there aren't too many left in there that he can talk to as his speaking and comprehension is advanced for his age.
I am worried that he is going to start going backwards . . .which I am sure is a silly thing to worry about and it probably means that I need to start reading some child development books!!
But really people should I be worried that he might not be getting challenged enough?

My update hmmmm my new contract role is going okay, it's been a mth now and I atleast have completed all the training and have access to everything etc.
It is just an adjustment period and meeting some people to chat to at work to help pass the days quicker!

Easter is around the corner and I am looking forward to some days in the country at Mum and Dad's, fresh air and some chilling! Plus of course Easter fun with the family :-))
Jasper and I are making cupcakes with an Easter suprise this weekend . . .then we are going to make some rockyroad when we get to Mums!!

What are you all up to??

Love to All
Cazza xo


Fractured Cortext said...

Jasper gets cuter every day :)

Fractured Cortext said...

Jasper gets cuter every day :)

Heather said...

just cant believe how big he is!